Friday, January 21, 2011

Educating and Being Educated

I must say that going through the double degree program in my college has oftentimes made me feel as though I were an animal being trained and asked to jump through numerous hoops of varying degrees of difficulty. I worry that the program I've gone through hasn't really equipped me to deal with my chosen profession. Stepping into the classroom two weeks ago, as a brand new part time student teacher, I felt completely lost and unsure of myself. So far the best teacher and preparer for myself has been the fourth graders that I've been working with and of course my cooperating teacher. 

I worry about these kids and their futures. Some of them are so bright, but just don't care to do anymore than the bare minimum of what is required of them. These kids are amazing beings, full of energy. They wiggle and giggle, squirm, whisper, chatter, distract each other, and sometimes... sometimes deign to do their work. When they do I am amazed at how quickly they pick up a concept. 

It is funny to watch them struggle to get out of work. It is even funnier to watch as they are motivated with the threat of missing out on recess how quickly and well they are able to accomplish what just five minutes earlier they claimed not to be able to do. Fourth graders are tricky.

Sometimes it feels like I am trying to herd a group of 31 chickens. 31 brutally honest chickens who have no reservations (at all) about telling you that you made a mistake, or that your hair looks funny, or that they just don't care. 

I've even had one of them stolidly advise me that his brain is out on rental, to try and get out of a math lesson.
It was hard not to laugh at his excuse.

The daily antics of these busy little chickens is an endless source of amusement and sometimes of hair pulling frustration. One of my favorite antics comes each day when Mrs T, my cooperating teacher, finishes reading aloud to the class. The moment she places the rough worn purple bookmark into the book, and tells the class that that is all for the day, an almighty high pitched chorus of "Nnnnnnooooooooooooo!" and "Just one more chapter pppplllleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeee!" bounces throughout the room. Pausing only when the kiddos run out of breath. Stopping only when they receive The Look from Mrs. T.

If any of this makes it sound like I'm unhappy in the classroom, I'm not. I love it. I love working with the kids. I am in the right profession.

1 comment:

  1. Working with kids is so rewarding! I used to work casually as a substitute teacher years ago with kids mostly from K to grade 3 (and occasionally up to grade 6) and it was so fun, but I found it stressful for a long while until my confidence grew. It's great that you feel that your in the right profession. Teachers can often be under appreciated, yet it's such an important profession! Good luck to you :)
