Reasons my baby cried this week:
* I wouldn't let him pull my hair
* I wouldn't let him eat the dog's tail
* I wouldn't let him eat a baby butt wipe
* I took away the dog toy
* I accidentally let him pull his own hair
* I stopped him from pulling his own hair
* I put him down for a nap
* I woke him up from a nap
* His sister stopped making that funny face at him
* His sister made a funny face at him
* I fed him green beans
* I wouldn't let him play in the dog's water bowl
* The cat ran away from him
Of course the real reason is probably because he has four teeth coming in at the same time.
My butt is dragging. My 8 & 1/2 month old son has been pretty sensitive these past few weeks. It seems like the smallest things upset him.
My smiley little boy has been the crankiest of babies, and it probably has something to do with those new teeth. I mean, when I feel bad things seem worse than they actually are... so it is probably no different for him. Some of the reasons he started crying are hilarious. Some not so much.
Yesterday was particularly tough. Work is crazy right now. We are approaching the end of the first semester in school and my 7th graders are suddenly realizing that they have to stop procrastinating and get their work turned in by the 29th. Ugh. I'm being drowned in things to grade and students asking me how they can raise their grades. Even some asking for extra credit when they didn't even complete the regular credit!

I allow students to revise ALL their essay responses on quizzes and tests to help them practice the skills of revision and of course improve their writing skills.
The kids keep asking me what they can do to raise their grades and I've told them time and again... revise essay questions! Hahaha...
(For you tired educators out there you will be amused by this video that I came across: Grade No More - Let it Go Parody)
Anyways, I digress a little bit here. I worked through my lunch trying to catch up on my massive pile of grading. I was starving by time both kids were home. Had the boy down for a nap and just as I was about to put my food on a plate the crying began again. He wouldn't stop unless he was in my arms. Which of course makes for a challenge to put food on a plate one handed.
I was a hot mess trying to get some dishes done, keep the five year old occupied, and of course get myself fed. It happened eventually.
It happened because I gave my son a stalk of celery. I felt kinda like a bad mommy doing so. But the Bear doesn't like any of the chew toys we have given him to help ease his teething. We have tried and tried all the things. Finally, I handed him a stalk of celery and he was content to chew on it. I kept a close eye on him, and pulled off any bits he broke off to keep him from choking. So, there was a little bit of peace.
There is some controversy for letting babies chew on this. I figure as long as I am not setting him down and walking away from him it will be fine. He was literally in my lap the whole time he had it.
Ever notice how mothers seem to feel the need to defend their choices? That is a whole other subject.
Let me end this week's post by saying that it is important to be kind to yourself (try to be kind to others too). Do what you need to to stay sane.
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